15 Cons Of Blogging: The Hidden Pitfalls You Need To Know

15 cons of blogging
• By Chris Manson
• Updated August 4, 2023

"Unveiling the Dark Side of Blogging"

15 Cons of Blogging: The Hidden Pitfalls You Need to Know. Don't let these challenges stop you from thriving in the blogging world!

Behind every successful blogging career, lies a mountain of challenges and obstacles.

In this post, we reveal the lesser-explored side of the cons of blogging and the heartache that bloggers encounter on their path to success.

From balancing daily life to protecting their content from copycats, and monetizing pressure, the journey can be rough.

In this post we not only highlight these concerns but also provide practical solutions so that you won't go "over the edge", empowering you to thrive in this digital landscape.

Read on for essential insights and invaluable tips to conquer these hurdles, and set yourself up for a triumphant blogging career. Let's dive in!

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1. Time and Effort: Balancing Blogging with Life

Balancing Blogging with Life

In the fast-paced digital age, where everyone has a virtual presence, blogging has become a popular medium for individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and expertise with the world.

However, behind a good blog lies the cons of blogging: finding a balance between blogging and the demands of daily life. 

In the very beginning, when you start writing a first blog post, It feels like a great start for passionate bloggers to share their experiences, offer tips, and connect with others.

Although you then quickly discovered that blogging is time-consuming. 

Many bloggers struggle to find enough time for their blogs due to work, family, and other forms of obligations. This highlights the common challenge faced by many aspiring bloggers.

Hence, the challenge of balancing blogging with life is real, and bloggers must find creative ways to navigate the time squeeze.

Whether juggling parental responsibilities, a full-time job, or other commitments, bloggers who successfully manage their time and prioritize their passion can continue to share their stories and insights with the world.

Though, they need some blogging strategies to work on: 

Strategies for Balancing Blogging and Life:

1. Time Management: Successful bloggers learn to make the most of their time. They set specific time blocks dedicated solely to blogging, utilizing moments when their kids are napping or when they have some spare time during the day.

2. Planning Ahead: Bloggers plan their content in advance to avoid last-minute stress. They can organize their ideas and schedule posts by creating an editorial calendar to maintain consistency.

3. Outsourcing and Collaboration: We discovered that collaborating with other bloggers or hiring freelancers to assist with quality content and your business website maintenance can lighten your workload and free up more time for your family.

4. Consistent Scheduling: Successful bloggers adhere to a regular blogging routine. Setting aside specific hours each week ensures that their blogs receive attention without disrupting their work commitments.

2. It's not Free: Required Investment for Domain and Hosting Purchase

Before embarking on a journey, one of the essential steps is acquiring a domain name and hosting service.

These investments help bloggers create and share their content with the world.

Let's explore the necessary investment for domain and hosting purchases and understand why these resources are crucial for every aspiring blogger.

A domain name serves as the unique web address of a blog, allowing readers to access the site easily.

Hosting, on the other hand, refers to the storage space and server resources required to keep the blog's content accessible to visitors.

Together, a domain name and hosting service ensure that the blog or blog post is live and accessible on the internet.

Return on Investment:

1. Monetization Opportunities: Owning a self-hosted blog allowed you to monetize the platform effectively, turning your passion into a profitable venture.

2. Increased Blog Value: Your own blog with a dedicated domain and hosting has higher resale value if Emily ever decides to sell her blog in the future.

3. Difficulty in Monetization: The Tough Road to Earning

monthly earnings-pie chart graphics- source problogger readers

While numerous bloggers begin their journey with a passion for writing and sharing ideas, the desire to turn their hobby into a source of income often becomes a driving force.

However, monetizing your own blog is a challenging feat. 

Look at this survey: while some bloggers makes money from their blog, most make hardly anything. And obviously, most bloggers cannot make a real living from blogging.

A study also indicated that bloggers relying solely on ad revenue might need tens of thousands of page views monthly to generate a modest income.

number of views for revenue needed

But don't get discouraged; there are still some ways!

Strategies for Earning from Blogging:

1. Diversifying Revenue Streams: Successful bloggers explore various income sources, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, digital products, and online courses. Diversification helps reduce reliance on a single income stream.

2. Niche Selection: Bloggers like Jake often experiment with different niches and choose those that have a higher potential for attracting a dedicated audience and advertisers.

3. Building a Strong Brand: To attract advertisers and sponsors, bloggers focus on building a strong personal brand and a loyal audience. A well-defined niche and consistent branding can make a blog more appealing to potential clients.

4. Patience and Perseverance: It takes time to establish a blog and gain a sizeable audience. Bloggers who persevere and continue producing valuable content, even in the face of slow financial progress, increase their chances of success.

5. Improving User Experience: A blog that provides an enjoyable and informative experience is more likely to retain readers and increase ad impressions.

Making money online from blogging is undoubtedly a significant challenge.

Bloggers must remain realistic about their income expectations while adopting effective strategies to monetize their blogs.

By combining perseverance, creativity, and business acumen, bloggers increase their chances of turning their passion into a sustainable income source.

4. Content and Plagiarism: Struggle Against Copycats

Blogging offers a platform for sharing unique perspectives and original ideas.

However, the internet is not without its share of content copycats and plagiarizers.

Protecting their creative work from copying or plagiarizing is an ongoing battle for bloggers.

We, as bloggers, can understand that protecting original content from being copied or plagiarized is a significant concern for bloggers.

By implementing preventive measures, bloggers can safeguard their valuable work and maintain their integrity in the blogging community.

Guarding Against Content Theft:

1. Copyright Protection: Bloggers must take steps to protect their quality content by adding copyright notices to their blogs, notifying readers that the content is protected under copyright law.

2. Watermarking Images: Watermarking original images ensures that the original creator is given proper attribution even if they are reused.

3. Monitoring and Reporting: Bloggers use tools to monitor the web for duplicated content and take appropriate actions to report cases of plagiarism to the hosting platforms.

5. Overwhelming Competition: Surviving in the Crowded Blogging World

Overwhelming Competition

With millions of blogs vying for attention online, standing out from the crowd can be an uphill battle for bloggers.

Gaining visibility and building a dedicated readership requires determination and creativity. 

Meet Rebecca, a fashion enthusiast who has her fashion blog/ personal blog.

While she had an eye for style and a unique perspective, Rebecca struggled to gain traction among well-established fashion bloggers with massive followings.

And it's not just Rebecca; on average, over 6 million blog posts hit publish daily, making it increasingly challenging for new users to get noticed.

Strategies for Standing Out:

1. Finding a Unique Angle: Bloggers need to differentiate themselves by finding a distinct niche or a fresh angle that sets them apart from existing bloggers.

2. Showcasing Personality: Injecting personality into their content creation allows bloggers to connect with their readers more personally, creating a loyal following.

3. Leveraging Visuals: High-quality visuals and engaging graphics can capture readers' attention and encourage them to explore the blog post further.

4. Targeted Content: Tailor the content according to the target audience. Take the example of food blogging. Food is one of the most popular blog niches, contributing to the highly saturated blogging market. To cater to the audience,

a  food blogger must introduce topics for vegan food enthusiasts or fans of international cuisines to attract niche readers.

6. Privacy: Online Security and Unwanted Attention

Sharing personal experiences and thoughts is the norm, bloggers often expose themselves to potential risks and privacy concerns which can be one of the big cons of blogging.

Many bloggers share their lives online, and it's crucial to understand the measures they must take to safeguard their privacy and protect themselves from potential online threats.

weekly cyber attacks-source checkpoint.com

A study revealed that cyberattacks have increased, with an increase of 38% in 2022. 

One can understand the problem by observing this chart of general cyber attacks on organizations.

And, if big organizations face this, bloggers have a lot to face.

Protective Measures:

1. Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication: Create strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to their accounts.

2. Regular Data Backups: To protect their blog's content and data, bloggers back up their files regularly to secure cloud storage or external hard drives.

3. Secure Hosting and SSL Certificates: Prioritize reputable web hosting services and implement SSL certificates to ensure encrypted data transmission between their blogs and visitors.

4. Separating Personal and Blogging Life: To minimize risks, bloggers establish separate online accounts for personal and blogging purposes.

As bloggers open up their lives to the online world, they must be aware of their potential privacy risks.

By adopting proactive cybersecurity measures and exercising caution about sharing personal information, bloggers can continue to share their stories while protecting their online safety and well-being.

7. Constant Updates: The Never-Ending Blogging Lessons

Search engine optimization Constant Updates

The blogging universe is constantly evolving, and successful bloggers understand that learning is crucial to their progress.

From mastering the latest techniques to appear higher on search engines to staying updated on digital marketing trends, bloggers must adapt to remain relevant and engaging.

And, with search engine algorithms frequently changing, bloggers find it challenging to keep up and optimize their content effectively.

A survey revealed that 95% of bloggers consider Search engine optimization as one of their top priorities. However, we are sure that only some feel confident in their SEO skills.

Strategies for Continuous Learning:

1. Implementing Analytics: Utilizing website analytics tools helps bloggers analyze their content's performance and identify areas for improvement.

2. Experimenting and Iterating: Alex constantly experiments with different SEO strategies and learns from the results to refine his approach.

3. Engaging with the Community: Actively participating and interacting with like-minded people in groups and communities of different social media channels allows bloggers to learn from others' experiences and best practices.

3. A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests on social media platforms to identify what resonates best with their audience and optimize their content accordingly.

Continuous learning is an integral part of a blogger's journey.

By staying informed about the latest trends, experimenting, and leveraging analytics, bloggers can adapt to the dynamic world of blogging and achieve long-term success to become a full-time blogger.

8. Handling Critics: Dealing with Negative Feedback

Blogging often invites feedback and opinions from readers, and not all of it may be positive.

Facing criticism and negative feedback is one of the cons of blogging that requires resilience and a level-headed approach.

Let's assume that someone is a political blogger who fearlessly expresses his opinions on current events.

While his blog gains a passionate following, it also attracts criticism and backlash from readers with opposing views.

Strategies for Dealing with Critics:

1. Maintaining Professionalism: Respond to criticism gracefully and professionally, avoiding personal attacks or heated arguments.

2. Engaging Constructively: Acknowledging valid points from critics and engaging in constructive discussions can lead to better understanding and empathy.

3. Setting Boundaries: When faced with online harassment or abusive comments, bloggers set clear boundaries and may even block or moderate certain users.

9. Risk of Losing Authenticity: Struggling to Stay Genuine

Bloggers value authenticity.

However, maintaining integrity while meeting audience expectations is difficult.

Let's discuss bloggers' authenticity issues and how they can preserve their unique voices despite online pressures.

Bloggers must balance authenticity with sponsorship opportunities that may not match their values as their audience grows. this is one of the classic disadvantages of blogging, you might be temted to endorse something that is against your principles!

Blogging pressures bloggers to follow trends and popular topics, which may Sacrifice Genuine Expression.

Strategies for Preserving Authenticity:

1. Staying True to Values: Bloggers must prioritize working with brands and sponsors that align with their values and beliefs. Know that authenticity is the secret behind successful blogging

2. Engaging with the Audience: Regularly communicating with the audience helps bloggers understand their preferences while staying true to their unique voices.

3. Focusing on Passion: Bloggers must remember their passion for their niche, understanding that authenticity lies in sharing what they genuinely love.

4. Ignoring Comparisons: Bloggers learn to avoid the comparison trap and focus on their individual growth and journey.

Staying genuine in the online world can be challenging, but bloggers need to establish a lasting connection with their audience. Bloggers can preserve their authenticity and create an authentic and impactful blogging experience.

10. Health Challenges: The Toll on Your Well-being

Blogging is a labor of love but can affect bloggers' physical and mental well-being.

The sedentary lifestyle, the pressure to produce or write content regularly, and the online world's demands can impact bloggers' health. 

We also know that bloggers and content creators who spend extended hours on their computers are at a higher risk of developing musculoskeletal issues and other health concerns related to sedentary behavior.

Strategies for Prioritizing Health:

1. Regular Breaks and Movement: Incorporate short breaks into their work routines to stretch, walk around, and reduce the strain on their bodies.

2. Ergonomic Set-Up: Setting up a comfortable and ergonomic workspace with an adjustable chair and a computer monitor at eye level can promote better posture.

3. Exercise and Physical Activity: Prioritize physical activity, such as walking, jogging, or yoga, to counterbalance the sedentary nature of blogging.

11. Tech Troubles: Dealing with Website Issues

Dealing with Website Issues

Behind every successful blog is a web of technology that keeps it running.

However, technical issues are a constant companion of bloggers. From website maintenance to keyword research to troubleshooting, bloggers must navigate the tech world to keep their blogs running smoothly. 

Let's explore this simple case study:

Niantic surprised the world a few years ago, in 2016, with one of the most addicting games ever developed, Pokemon. But the game had overload troubles the first weekend after its debut. 

If these big websites with a bunch of tech people can face these issues, you must be ready for this too. 

Hence, technical challenges are an inevitable part of the journey.

By implementing and utilizing troubleshooting tools, bloggers can minimize disruptions and keep their blogs running smoothly.

Strategies for Website Maintenance:

1. Regular Backups: Perform regular backups to safeguard their content and restore their websites in case of crashes or data loss.

2. Reliable Hosting: Investing in reputable web hosting services with reliable customer support ensures better website performance and prompt issue resolution.

3. Monitoring Tools: Website monitoring tools alert bloggers to potential issues, allowing them to address problems before they escalate.

4 . Seeking Technical Support: Reach out to technical experts, coding communities, or their web hosting support for help with complex issues.

12. Link Building: Effort to Make More and More Backlinks

Link Building-backlinks

One of the most important issues that many newcomers face is link building. Whether it's internal or external links, it's really difficult for new people.

Efforts to Make More Backlinks:

1. Some easy strategies to get noticed: To boost traffic and potentially rank higher in search engines results (which ultimately helps build links), bloggers focus on various strategies. Utilizing internal links within their blog content, optimizing site speed, and using relevant meta tags are vital for SEO. 

2. Collaborations: Collaborating with freelance writers to create content, forging partnerships with other businesses to attract potential customers, and consistently updating your blog with new posts are key strategies to establishing a thriving blog.

By implementing these tactics, you can make money blogging and potentially transform it into your full-time online profession.

13. Ethics and Rules: Navigating Legal Considerations

Blogging involves creative expression and adherence to ethical and legal standards.

Bloggers must navigate various rules and regulations, from disclosing sponsorships to respecting copyrighted material. 

Strategies for Ethical Promotion:

1. Clear Disclosures: Use clear and conspicuous disclosures to inform readers when a sponsored new post contains affiliate links.

2. Selective Collaborations: Prioritizing partnerships with brands that align with their blog's values and resonate with their audience ensures genuine promotion.

3. Transparent Reviews: Alex provides honest and transparent product reviews, emphasizing his commitment to his readers' trust.

14. Ups and Downs: The Unpredictable Income Ride

While many successful blogs do a good online business and make a substantial passive income, others experience unpredictable fluctuations in their earnings.

The inconsistency of income is a common challenge that bloggers face, with periods of abundance followed by financial drops. 

Studies reveal most bloggers start blogging to get money, but only around 10% actually make money.

blogging incomes-source zippia.com

The top niches have a monthly income potential of $9000. However, not everyone can achieve this ideal goal. 

Strategies for Stabilizing Income:

1. Creating Multiple Income Streams: Diversify your income sources, such as sponsored content, digital products, and affiliate and email marketing, to reduce reliance on a single revenue stream.

2. Building a Steady Audience: Focusing on consistent creation and audience engagement helps drive traffic and income.

3. Establishing Emergency Funds: Saving during periods of abundance allows bloggers to weather financial downturns during lean months.

15. Burnout Risks: Overcoming Exhaustion

Blogging demands consistent effort and creativity, which can lead to burnout— a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion.

The pressure to produce content, maintain quality, and manage various aspects of blogging can take a toll on bloggers' well-being. 

According to Viola, a professional blogger, some factors contribute to exhaustion:

 Burnout Risks-source Viola

Strategies for Preventing Burnout:

1. Setting Realistic Goals: Bloggers like Sarah set achievable content goals, ensuring a balance between productivity and personal well-being.

2. Taking Breaks: Incorporating regular breaks and vacation time helps bloggers recharge and prevent burnout.

3. Prioritizing Self-Care: Emphasizes self-care practices, such as exercise, mindfulness, and hobbies, to maintain overall well-being.

Cons of blogging-Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts-infographics-man thinking in background is blue sky,birds,trees.

As you craft relevant content and get into your blogging career, prepare for its challenges.

Moments of discouragement and creative blocks may arise, but don't give up!

Don't keep comparing yourself to others, nurture individual growth, and seek inspiration.

Mind mapping and taking breaks are essential in conquering the Cons Of Blogging.

Stay authentic, persevere, and unleash your unique voice.

Attack your blogging journey future with determination, and you will be rewarded.

Here's to your blogging success

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About the author

Chris is an accomplished entrepreneur, With extensive

experience in digital marketing, and business development.
Chris loves to share with his readers his latest hustles, software reviews, or make-money online tips.


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